Thursday, 19 February 2009

ReadY t0 diE at Ur fEet..

Walking with you, thru’ all the valleys
To see a single smile, I’m ready to dare
Horrible caves, and deep dungeons 
Are nothing to me, because you are there

Seeing you sad, is what I never want
They call me mad, for the love I own
If Lord knows me, He’ll reward me soon
He’ll make you happy, by using this moon

Won’t let this world, to tear you in pieces
I’m there to shield, and bear your grieves
No-one will show, what you deserve
Only I know, for you what is reserved

To discover you, I need no lifetime
A simple glance, proves you are mine
Such a difference, you have created
To win your love, I’ll die at your feet

PleAse d0n't kIll mE..

Burning daily in this torture
The grief I always feel the same
I cannot accuse anyone
Yet I seem to get the blame

When looked onto the sky
I see sad face turns grey
And I’m fried in this flame
The fault is who’s I can’t say

The mess I’m going through
Jumbled my organs inside
Everything I see becomes flue
I only wish when to die

Who are you in my past?
The joy I lived once never lasts
Suddenly appearing from nowhere
You took my present share

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

I smIle f0r U..

My eyes are exhausted
I have no tears inside
Every drop has dried down
I know no more to cry

My heart is shrunk away
Blood flow had stopped its flow
The corposels have blocked the path
It stopped to produce more

My soul has had no shape
Only its form I can feel
The feelings in it disappeared
Only the memories are real

Trying to smile for you
To make you happy too
Everything now lies in your hand
At last I hope you’ll understand

SecrEt L0ve in mY heaRt..

Oh my darling, to view your sight
I waited for so many days
Dreams O Dreams, eyes dint sleep
I forgot all my ways

In your heart, the chilly snow time
In your eyes, the burning summer
In your love, the thick rainy season
In front of me, u are clung as pleasure 

If you are the waves of the sea
If I happen to fall into it
I’ll float on your laps more
I’ll catch you till I reach the shore

The waves float onto the Sea
Gets mixed with the ocean
What you find in my heart
Gets mixed in my silence

Monday, 16 February 2009

AgaIn I'm in l0ve..

Enveloped by the mist of love
Nothing else is clear to me
Often I hit the earth like a thud
But no harm occurs to memories

I thought I have no more existence
Until you promised to give me a name
But why death keeps crossing my mind?
When all you said is not a game!

The Godliness in me had come again
Like a new bride I bow with shame
I fell in love like never before
There’s no way I could hide anymore

But love for me is no bed of rose
Tear drops of mine forming your face
In my slumber I want to run
Into your arms, burying my trace

It AlwAys huRts f0r me t0 kn0w..

It always hurts for me to know
For what I did I never know so
In loving you my pace is slow
In memories space, I have much more

It always hurts for me to know
The desires for you had been killed
My wish is empty I am not greedy
Coz all I need is your love fulfilled

It always hurts for me to know
What’s valuable you never treasured 
The dreams reserved became nightmares
My love for you has never been measured

It always hurts for me to know
That you left for me no way out
Except the tears shed down each day
But why does it hurt when I’m without

Friday, 13 February 2009

If U weRe mY ValeNtinE..

If you were my valentine
I’d warm you with blue sky
I’d be your moonlight
To brighten your nights

I’d bring the striking star
That shoots down for you
I’d give up my desires
To make your dreams come true

If you were my valentine
I’ll never hit you by a rose
But caress you gently by its petals
And give you the pleasure at the most

If you were my valentine
I’d treasure you to my heartbeats
My arms will always protect you
My life would be complete

U unDerSt00d me RighT..

Standing here dumb-struck
Wanting to reveal what I feel
I’m still fumbling with my words
To make you believe that it’s real

Not a single second passed
You were out of my mind
I want to go little deeper
But it’s unnecessary you find

Will there be a normal chat
To make our talk nice
It would be nice in every way
Because each word I think thrice

In a small valentine card
No space for me to write
All that I feel at heart
But I hope you understood me right

I wanT U t0 be MinE..

Never had i felt so
Everything about you
But when I heard your voice
Deep inside I vow it’s true

First meeting I saw you
Under the bright moonlight
Since then I always knew
You’ll never leave my sight

You have not left my mind
In all words I speak
You captured my thoughts
When my sorrows are at peak

I changed my destiny
By the prayers I do
I want you forever mine
From this special valentine

WhaT's mY w0rth??

It seems to me you never cared
When I need you, you are never there
But each time I want to clear my doubt
The contrary I get leads me nowhere

Don’t I deserve to fulfill my queries?
Is that so hard for you to bear?
Why do I see only frowns on your face?
As your lover, i feel this is unfair!

All these occur for one reason
I love you so much there’s no end
But what I yearn is far from me
In all my paths there’s a bend

There’s no value, when your promises die
I have no choice but lay down my words
On my vast bed I can only cry
Have to succumb, when my voice is unheard

U'll NevEr uNdeRstAnd..

I don’t ever belong here
I’m so naive and clean
Those are my traces - then
Why are you so mean?

I smile broadly at everyone
But I cry within alone
I know I’m a good pretender
Right from my blood to my bone

Fear trembled me thru’ out
I shiver non-stop inside
But you always ask me why
I don’t ever know to cry

Not a truth I hear but lies
Lame excuses making me fine
But you can’t see one fact
For you I live and shine

Thursday, 12 February 2009

P00l 0f teArS..

Why do I cry tears of pain?
Wept profoundly from my heart
I search for valuable reason
I realized when you are apart

Each time you come beside
I give up the cause to die
This is the only way to work
To lit the candle of my life

When the horizon reddens
My pool of tears knows no trace
Looking afar with blinking eyes
That you will return with smiling face

Once again when the full moon glows
Don’t know why I become low
My vision becomes unclear
That’s when I cannot hold my tear

My DiVine l0ve..

All my life forever
I want to stay by your side
You are my ultimate soul-mate
Like the moon goes as the star guides

If the Almighty let me live
To enjoy your share & your care
There’s nothing I cannot do
Even if I have to go anywhere

I’ll shadow your sunlit face
Will forever sooth your fear
I’ll color up your world
I’ll try to hold your tear

I’ll remind you life long
That my love is sincere and true
Till I breathe the very last
My divine love is you

My hEart iS n0t with mE..

All my efforts have gone in vain
Deserting me like dry sand
But my emotions appeared again
Coz’ my heart is not in my hand

I let you win each time
Since I’m strong outside
But what you will never see
The tear I shed when taken for a ride

With blurring vision I sit
Waiting for the ground to swallow
It’s easy for you to forget
When you see my space hollow

You came, you won & conquered
But I’m already dead and gone
You flare the trumpet as a special one
Leaving me wonder where I went wrong

TaKe me With U..

My knees bruised kneeling to the Almighty
Begging each day to bring you back
Even the Lord fails to convince you
No power can move you from your track

I wonder each second why you left me
After showing such affection blindly
Isn’t it cruel to pamper me in this ‘state’
You showed me the colors-filled-world with grace

I want to know you more through him
But he felt you sent me to trouble him
Not a trace of you he wishes to reveal
I do not want him but you as real

When you met me, this world slept off
For you to hold me warm and speak so soft
Devils do exist when he took you away
Dumping me in this hole where happiness fades

PleaSe d0n't leAve me By mySelf..

Sitting on the sky waving to me
Bowing to Lord wishing him to see
You are killed along with my soul
Oh my darling, don’t leave me alone

Hardly had we met, we fell in love
But you are snatched away to fly above
The comforts you give still warm my corpse
Without you on this earth, my pain is worse

Never known a love survived so short
Our spirits exchanged everything is worth
Not a soul you left can take care of me
I’m accused more, branding me free

But each day I pray for you to appear
But you sit there begging me to bear
Nothing I want except your side
Reserve me a place when I’m ready to die

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

It hAs c0me t0 an End..

My journey has come to an end
No one to search me more
My flesh you’ll find in tatters
My soul will disappear to the core

My destiny has been written
It has only you and me
But you have crushed it flat
No shape can i actually see

Helas! I have decided now
Not to give the sign of life
Since I’m not the only one
But they threaten me like knife

Struggling hard to find a place
To make you only mine
But this journey has been ended
And my heart is hard to mend

EaCh niGht I seaRch f0r U..

Alone i stay on silent nights
Terrifying with my own feelings 
I weep my brutal tears
I dread when demon’s smiling

I try not to divert my path
Since that is chosen for me
But I stumble on the thorns
Which blindfolded me to see

I yearn for the ray of light
To guide me thru the dark
The candle burns my hand
I feel I’m swallowed by shark

Don’t know where this leads me
Deeper in vain I search for you
The final strength this fear will give
Your slight touch when I achieve